Sunday, September 30, 2007

Out of Commission

Hi Folks...

Both of my computers have been usurped for various reasons, meaning that I am without the ability to communicate digitally (ie - email, blog, iChat, IM, etc).

So if you're looking for an update from me or wondering why I don't answer my emails, now you know! I'm hoping for a return of at least one machine later this week.

I'm alive, I'm mostly well (I only consider myself, "Well," if I'm sitting on a beach with a trashy novel in one hand and a pina colada in the other) and I'll be back as soon as I can!



Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

i wondered what happened? anyway, i hope you get your computer up and running soon!

Anonymous said...

EEEK, are you OK? Still breathing? :)

Meg said...

this is almost as bad as when you were without internet at the hospital before the girls were born... we miss you!