Monday, June 09, 2008

Naked Baby

What is it about my child (specifically, Faith) taking off her clothes all the time?

It happens a few times a week. I'll walk into the twins' room, to find that Faith has taken off her shorts (we gave up on shirts months ago) and is sitting there in her diaper. Sometimes, shirts come off randomly in the living room or while she is sitting in her high chair. You just never know.

Yesterday, after nap time, I went to get the girls out of their cribs and there was Faith, stark naked, lying in her stomach, chin resting on her hands and feet in the air, looking like a 1920s poster girl for a burlesque show.

Today, I got back from taking Devin to Vacation Bible School and before I could even get Gracie out of the car, Faith had already taken off her dress and was running around the house in only a diaper.

I can't imagine where this comes from. ZZ? Any insight? :)


Claremont First Ward said...

Good thing it's warm in TX now......isn't it?

Jocasta said...

I have a nudist as well - sadly for me it's cold here!

Anonymous said...

In case anyone else is reading this - Faith gets this from her MOTHER. Erin used to take off EVERY STITCH of clothing (save roller skates) and march/skate around. One time, we were in the mall with my grandmother and mother and we weren't paying her any attention and she stripped off her overalls and tried to get in the fountain.

And that was just last week!

Unknown said...

It could be worse....
just be glad it's not the big
bald guy...

We love him, but ewww...

Anne Marie said...

hehehehe... I did this too... Erin, watch out! (i.e. refer very carefully to your sex in the city blog, and keep that baby going to church..) It mostly worked for me, tee hee...