Friday, February 16, 2007

In Response To Your Comment, Karen Blake, on February 14

I don't know if everyone else reads the comments that others leave (you're welcome to -- my life's an open book), but on my last post, dated February 14, 2007, good friend Karen Blake left a comment pointing out that I don't need a video camera because it's not like I would ever post the video anyway. Well here is my rebuttal.

Karen is a good friend of mine. She's been one of my best friends (was in my wedding, in fact) since the 10th grade. She's from up North and has a pretty thick skin (unless she's talking about her new-found love, Eck-Tor, then she turns to jelly. I knew she wasn't as tough as she made herself out to be). She'll tell you what's on her mind and won't sugar coat anything. Her candor and ability to say anything to anyone are the things I love most about her.

And because she has such a sharp tongue, it's often hard to "get her." You know what I mean -- not understand her, but rather get her.

But everyone once in awhile she slips up and someone gets the opportunity to point out a flaw or a fault in her argument.

Here is mine.

Butchy -- you've been a devoted follower of my blog for over a year now, posting comments and always contacting me to discuss things of true importance. You're an excellent friend. You always have been.

But I'm a little disappointed in your lack of recall of my blog. I'd like to point out a prior post to you. Please click here and read carefully, especially the paragraph just prior to the photos at the bottom.


You see, I have a video camera that I use often. But because I work on a Mac (Todd's an artist), our Sony DVD Cam does not upload properly to or through the computer, rendering it impossible to post video through any number of posting sites like VideoEgg or YouTube.

So there. doesn't happen often, but when I can beat Karen at her own game, it certainly feels good. That means the score, which has been kept since we were 15 years old, now stands at the following:



Have a great weekend...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If that is as good as it gets, than ok-- 1 for Erin. Enjoy it while it lasts, which won't be long. Hey better yet, make a video next time and send that . . .oh wait . . .love, blake