Monday, December 17, 2007

Just Another Day in Paradise

A friend of mine emailed me the other day and said, "Do you ever ask God, 'What's next?' " I told her that I try not to, because I don't like to ask questions to which I may not want the answer.

I got a call from the Pediatric GI doctor last week. The girls' paperwork had made it from their pediatrician's office and the GI doc wanted to see them as soon as possible. I doled out the insurance and contact information to the administrator on the phone and then she said, "And what are Faith and Grace coming in for? Oh here it is...'Failure to thrive.'"

My heart sank. I realize that "failure to thrive" is an general medical term for people who don't gain weight or develop normally. But the word "failure" just threw me into a tizzy because I don't really believe my girls have failed to thrive, but rather are doing so at a slow pace.

Again, I know I'm just mincing words here, but nothing strikes fear in a mommy's heart like the idea that her kid (or kids) may truly be very ill.

On top of all of this, the girls have contracted another something or another that's causing them to produce snot like it's water and hack and cough just like they did when they were diagnosed with RSV last month. So far no fever, but I don't doubt that sometime this week we'll be back at Dr. T's office for another round of looking into their ears and swabbing their throats.

And a second ago, I caught Faith (who is my climber and will craw up on anything she can get her hands on) standing upright on her little ride-on toy. I promptly picked her off of it, verbally scolded her and told her that it was dangerous and "ouchie" and then trotted to answer the phone. Before I could even pick up, I heard a thud and there was Faith, lying face-down on the tile floor next to the toy. Sure enough, there is a goose egg on her forehead and while she doesn't seem to be greatly injured, I think it really scared the heck out of her. Who knows -- maybe we'll get to go to the ER today. Wouldn't that be fun?

Why can't anything just go normally for these girls? My heart just breaks knowing that they are constantly being scrutinized by doctors or plagued by some sort of ailment. From the moment they were conceived they've faced adversity and while they come through every test with flying colors, I have to wonder if they'll ever just catch a break and have a chance to be normal.

On a lighter note...

Just prior to the head-bonk incident, Faith was carrying around her sippy cup of water. She set it down, it toppled and dislodged the valve. A little bit of water spilled out onto the kitchen floor.

Upon seeing the "mess" she created, Faith toddled over to the drawer where I keep dish towels, pulled one out, toddled back to the spilled water and mopped it up.

So proud! There may be hope yet for this mess of a house of mine. :)


Laura said...

I am so sorry you are feeling discouraged over your girls. I hope the appointment will put this all to rest. You are doing wonderful with them!

Alicia said...

I think that "Failure to Thrive" is one of the worst doctor phrases that there is. Tate's been labeled with it, too, and I know . . . it sucks. Of course, you are a mommy so I suspect that you are asking yourself. . . "What am I doing wrong? Are they okay? Is it my fault?" Look at those beautiful girls. They are thriving. Don't let the doctors scare you. I'm going to double down on the final report being, "Hmm, looks like they're just small. Perfectly healthy, but on the small side." If you want to talk to someone who is all too familiar with the Failure to Thrive diagnosis, I'm here. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know what those docs are talkinging about! Any kid that cleans up their spills is destined to excel, not fail! Some people are so small minded. You're kickin' ass mamasita-- don't let the system get ya down. blake

Claremont First Ward said...

I think I would have had the same reaction. NO one wants to hear those words. They just sound, well, so negative. How much do the girls weigh now? I hope that the appointment goes well and that after all is said and done, it's just as you think....growing at a slightly lower pace.

Casey's trio said...

I hope the GI appt goes better than expected and puts all your worries to rest. I totally understand your reaction to the term "failure to thrive" because it certainly doesn't sound like that is an accurate way to describe your girls. Sending hugs your way.
P.S. Please send Faith over to my house so that she can teach my 3 how to clean up after themselves. They like to take big swigs from their cups and spit it out all over the floor and then stomp and splash around in it. Not my favorite game to clean up!

Anonymous said...

Don't get discouraged. It seems that your girls are developing and meeting the milestones just fine. So they are a little small. Who is your GI doc? We went to see Dr. Elizondo amd really liked him. We should get the little ones together sometime.