Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Pox on You!

Chicken Pox, that is. Grace has Chicken Pox.

Do you want to take a second to re-read that and make sure you got it right? Go ahead. I'll wait.

Yep, Gracie has Chicken Pox, despite having gotten the vaccine and despite the fact that the virus has all but been eradicated. I mean, come on...this is my family. What else would you expect?

Poor Gracie has been acting "off" since Sunday. We just can't seem to make her happy. She doesn't want to be held, she doesn't want to be put down, she doesn't want to eat, but she begs to be in her high's just been an ongoing saga.

Truthfully, I figured she was just hitting the terrible twos a few months early. I mean, we're only two months away from the big second birthday, so terrible twos must be on their way, right?

But when I got her up this morning and got her dressed, I noticed a little spot on her shoulder. Hmmmm...must have gotten a little bug bite or something.

But then another dot caught my eye. And another.

I turned her around and there on her back must have been a dozen red spots, all varying in size, but all localized to the area around her left shoulder.

I lifted up her hair and they were all up her neck and the back of her head.

Combining all of this with her bad attitude and loss of appetite, I decided she needed to see Dr. Trexler.

So an hour later, the three of us (Devin is at school today) were waiting in the hall outside Dr. T's office. Since their office isn't divided into "sick" and "well" areas, anyone with a rash must wait in the hall and be taken in through the back door. I felt like the redheaded stepchild of Stone Oak Pediatrics.

Cheryl came in, took a look at My Girl Spot and said, "Well, we've seen a few cases of Chicken Pox this week and while I'm not 100% sure, I'd like to treat it as Chicken Pox, just in case."

And that was it. She did a strep test on Gracie, just in case, but it came back normal. She did think that Grace's left ear looked pretty red, so we got an antibiotic for that and were sent on our way to wait it out.

These girls never cease to amaze me, especially with the strange maladies they keep catching -- even those for which they have gotten vaccines.

I'm taking bets on when Faith will get it. Any takers?


The Myers Family said...

OH NO! POOR BABY! Gosh i seriously had no idea anyone could get it now with everyone getting the vaccine! Hope she gets to feeling better soon and hope and pray your other sweet baby doesn't get it!

Claremont First Ward said...

How? How in the world does every weird thing imaginable happen to your family? I cannot believe she has the Pox. Poor thing........Will be thinking of you......

Unknown said...

Gimme an S...
gimme a T...
gimme an I....
gimme a N....
gimme a K..
gimme an S....
whats that spell...
Even More...
Wow hope the pox stay to the lone itcher and not the whole crew, and that it is mild and swift case...lemme know if you need anything.

Osh said...

oh no! We have a lot more in common than Susan...if it is out there my family will catch it too.

Mittens on the hands and oatmeal baths sorta worked for us.

keblake said...

I'll be right there at the betting table with you my friend! I must say your family puts truth to the phrase-- never say never . . . I'm sending hugs of encouragment your way though! blake

Susan Niño said...

Crapola sister friend. I bet Miss Faith gets it too. Siblings love to share!

Miss you a lot. Will I see you Sat for our ACTS reunion lunch?

I am so tired and still getting adjusted to work. Thanks for continuing to pray for Colleen....and me too!

Casey's trio said...

Good Lord Erin what else could possibly come your way? I'm sorry. I will bet that Faith gets it too, but hopefully I am wrong. Sending lots of Calamine lotion thoughts your way. Do they still make that stuff?

Christi said...

Goodness! Are you letting them lick door handles or what?! Oh, wait, sorry- those are my kids! HAHAHAHAHA! No worries, sweetie...just remember that things can always be worse, right? Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. Noah contracted chicken pox last year (just get ready for the Kindergarten germs next year, they are much worse) 3 days before Easter so we were quarantined home during the duration of Easter weekend. He only had 13 spots and was not uncomfortable. His pediatrician STILL said it was not a strong enough case so he had to get ANOTHER vaccination this past Sept. Poor little guy. Jonah never got it. I do feel your pain. Be thankful its not at Easter. Hugs to you. Tara

Laura said...

I cannot believe this! Next year will be a breeze I swear. You poor thing!